Tag: Chesnaught

Pokémon GO Podcast Ep 240 – “Spaghetti Held Together With Duct Tape”
Pokémon GO Podcast Ep 239 – “It's Manectric, Boogie Woogie, Woogie”
Pokémon GO Podcast Ep 238 – “Joe Ignores Raid Invites”
Pokémon GO Podcast Ep 237 – “Shine Bright Like a Diamond-mon”
Pokémon GO Podcast Ep 236 – “A Wild Charles Flees”
Pokémon GO Podcast Ep 235 – “Don't Eat The Poke Candy”
Pokémon GO Podcast Ep 233 – “Sneasel Marks the Month of Love"
Pokémon GO Podcast Ep 232 – “A Wild Currans Has Appeared”
Pokémon GO Podcast Ep 231 – “Butt Brain Bubble”
Pokémon GO Podcast Ep 230 – “Stickers have been the real frauds all along!!”