Pokemon Go Podcast Podcast PGP! Ep 29 – “Pokéball Run Starts Here”

PGP! Ep 29 – “Pokéball Run Starts Here”

PGP! Ep 29 – “Pokéball Run Starts Here” post thumbnail image

Enjoy another weekly installment of the misadventures of Charles Quixote and Pokémon Joe Panza!  While Charles charges at the windmills of level progression Joe throws down his gauntlet and challenges Charles to an XP race.  Will Charles channel JJ McLure and do anything to win, or Captain Chaos, DA-DA_DUM!, and become distracted by more noble pursuits?  We must light a candle for a Grandfather in Virginia, USA and remind all of our fellow trainers to be aware, alert, and stay safe.  Players offer their perspective and the Silph Road is looking for travelers in a new pursuit.  Looks like Niantic should transfer its money to a vault in Duckburg as their earnings show no signs of stopping.  While not yet in the game, Pokémon GO’s success may lead to breeding more games for the IP.  Still looking for a Plus?  GO checkout Walmart.  All of that incredible content, and of course YOUR feedback, emails, and comments!

As we welcome two wonderful new Patrons to our ever-growing community, they wanted to give some advice and motivation to their fellow Trainers.  Thanks to Mike Woodard and Jonathan Bloom for their faith, support, and their words.


There’s a tradition in tournament play to not talk about the next step until you’ve climbed the one in front of you. We’re sure going to the League finals is beyond your wildest dreams, so let’s just keep it right there.

Forget about the crowds, the size of the gyms, their fancy high level Pokémon, and remember what got you here. Focus on the fundamentals that we’ve gone over time and time again.

And most important, don’t get caught up thinking about winning or losing this match. If you put your effort and concentration into training to your potential, to be the best that ever was, we don’t care what the Pokédex says at the end of the day, in our book we’re gonna be winners!




Thanks to these awesome Patrons we will keep producing and improving.   With your help we can all “catch ‘em all,” and you can start by going to patreon.com/pokemongopodcast and growing your community!  We thank you all, for your support, and we hope you can help us serve you better as the show continues to grow and evolve.


Thanks to ALL of our awesome listeners, especially our Patrons.  Due to their generous Patronage we will continue building this great community!



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Pokémon GO Podcast is sponsored by the Satchel Podcast Player






Follow Pokémon GO Podcast on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and PokémonGoPodcast.com

Hosts: Charles McFall, Joseph Ard, Brian Ibbott, Beau York, and friends

Producer at Large: Mike Woodard

Publisher:  Chris Wisdom

Pokémon GO Podcast is a proud member of the Giant Size Team Up Network.

2 thoughts on “PGP! Ep 29 – “Pokéball Run Starts Here””

  1. Sorry Pokémon Go Podcast I could not listen to all of the episode because I was Grounded, however when my punishment is finished I will listen to both of the episodes I missed. But I can still access your webpage through my school computer, Do not use my name when I should be mentioned, but you can read the E-mail, to the public…

    Signed, Weekly E-mailer Anynomus

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